Predict the outcome of upcoming Minecraft Championships and compare with others. Gain points and climb the leaderboard.

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How it works


Gain as much points as possible by making accurate predictions about the placement of teams, the Dodgebolt winner and players placement in various MCC events.

Prediction Process

  1. Create a account to be able to predict.
  2. Before each event there will be a given time window in which you are able to make a prediction.
  3. During you prediction you have to guess the placement order of the teams in the current event and which team will win Dodgebolt. Additionally you have to guess the top 10 players of the event.
  4. Once submitted, your can view the predictions from all the users and compare them.
  5. As long as the prediction time window remains open, You have the ability to update either one or both of your predictions.
  6. After the event points will be calculated based on how accurate you predicted. You will be able to view a leaderboard to see how you did compared to all the others.

Point calculation

    Team Prediction:
  • Team in the correct place: If your prediction of a team matches the actual placement of that team, you will earn 7 points.
  • Team one place away: If your prediction of a team is off by just one place from the actual placement of that team, you will earn 5 points.
  • Team two places away: If your prediction of a team is off by two places from the actual placement of that team, you will earn 3 points.
  • Team more than two places away: If your prediction of a team is off by more than two places from the actual placement of that team, you won't earn any points.
  • Guessing the Dodgebolt winner: If you correctly guess the Dodgebolt winner you will earn 3 additional points.
    Individual Prediction:
  • Player on the correct place: If your prediction of a player matches the actual placement of that player, you will earn 6 points.
  • Player one place away: If your prediction of a Player is off by just one place from the actual placement of that Player, you will earn 5 points.
  • Player two places away: If your prediction of a Player is off by two places from the actual placement of that Player, you will earn 4 points.
  • Player three places away: If your prediction of a Player is off by two places from the actual placement of that Player, you will earn 3 points.
  • Player in top 10: If your predicted a player in any top 10 place and this player will actually end up in the top 10, you will earn 1 points.
  • Player not in top 13: If a player you predicted doesn't end up in the top 13, you won't earn any points, as long as the player ends up in the top 13 you still have the chance to get points for being 1, 2 or 3 places away.

Note, points won't stack, and you will only receive points for the most fitting constraint that applies to your prediction.

Points will be summed up in the end. The maximum amount of points you can earn are 133 points

all teams correct + Dodgebolt winner : 10 * 7 + 3 = 73
all players correct : 10 * 6 = 60
teams coins + players coins : 73 + 60 = 133

MCC-Guessing Game